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You're Drinking Your Milk All Wrong...

I heard the most interesting conversation on dairy products the other day on Science Friday on NPR. Did you know that 30-50 million Americans are lactose intolerant? Listen to this interview of the Associate Professor of Anthropology at Harvard, where she talks about how the ability to digest lactose could partially depend on your gut microbiome. Check it out HERE. I found this episode particularly relevant because my relationship with dairy has been long and winding... I found out that I was lactose intolerant when I went to college. I discovered, a few years later, that I could enjoy goat and sheep milk, as well as A2A2 cow milk sometimes, without the same consequences I experienced when I drank ultra-pasteurized, homogenized cow...

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The Newest Fluffy Butts on the Farm...

Things are starting to feel a lot like Spring around here. The chicken egg yolks are just starting to turn orange again, our fridge is full of sheep milk, Peter has been coming out more often to lend a hand with chores with the nicer weather, and we are surrounded by babies! I even saw that the green grass is really starting to sprout this week. Woohoo! We have had 14 lambs so far, we are officially past the half-way point, and I am pretty excited (mostly for night checks to be over so I can maybe get some sleep) but also to have a full clan of bouncy lambs out on pasture again. Nothing makes me happier than watching...

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There's Only a few days left to Reserve Meat for 2023 be entered into our Giveaway!

Lambing Season is well on its way! We are up to 10 lambs and almost half-way done. We have had some interesting ups and downs so far this year. But everyone is looking spry and healthy and enjoying the beautiful weather we have been getting this weekend! If it won't load in the box above, you can Check out this video here of what I like to call "The Taste of the Wind Lamb Races." In case you missed it, here is my latest podcast episode where I shared my interview with Dr. Tammy Grey-Steele of the National Women in Agriculture Association. It was kind of fun to talk about my own farm on the podcast for a change. Although, I do prefer learning...

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10 Ways to Get More Vitamin D Without Taking Synthetic Vitamins!

It's officially Spring, but not in Wyoming! Did you know that most people in the U.S. are vitamin D deficient for at least part of the year? This can be detrimental to our health, because Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption, and for your genes and cells to talk to each other for several different bodily processes, and adequate amounts of vitamin D can help prevent several degenerative diseases. Problem is, synthetic vitamin D supplements are not always very bioavailable. This means your body cannot break them down into useable forms efficiently enough to get the benefits you need- especially this time of year when you still have to keep your skin covered in the inclement "Spring" weather. So,...

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Did you know that you live in a DESERT?

Spring in the desert is one of the most beautiful experiences on earth. Flowers in the most unexpected places. Birds and bugs of crazy varieties. Life oozes from the crevices of what seems like deep, dry, cold nothingness, and then... it's gone again. Have you ever seen a desert Spring? If you haven't, I highly recommend spending a week in the Mojave, or the Arizona/New Mexico Plateau, it's breathtaking! Up here in Wyoming, we have a lot of Cold-Desert expanses. It is a different kind of beauty for sure. This time of year doesn't embody the typical "Springtime" at all. In fact, a lot of us refer to this time of year as Spri-nter... because it is as if Spring...

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